
Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse Watch Party April 8, 2024 | 12-2 PM | Courtyard We’ll have Moon Pies, music, FREE GLASSES! Join Us!! Dr. Kurtis Williams, church member and Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M, Commerce will have FREE glasses and an information booth on Sunday, April 7.

Spring Cleaning

First UMC Youth & Creation Kids Youth & Kids Family Work Day April 6 | 9 AM-12 PM It’s time for some SPRING CLEANING! We will be holding a work day for youth and kids’ families on Saturday, April 6. This is set up for us to tackle some special repair, cleaning, and maintenance projects that are not covered by routine custodial staff duties. Our space upstairs in Building B is a safe haven for our children and youth, and they deserve a clean and fresh place to grow in relationship with God and one another. And we need YOUR help! If your family can join us, please sign up for a time slot below. We will have projects for all age levels, elementary and older! Please contact Allison or Abbey for more information. Thank you! Click here to Sign Up

Play Well

July 15-19 | Play-Well Camp  Cost: $140 | Registration is OPEN!Play-Well TEKnologies provides project-based programs designed to teach principles and methods of engineering to children, ages 5-12, using LEGO®. Our curriculum is designed by engineers, building on the math and science skills students learn during the school year.  9 AM-12 PM | For children ages 5 – 7 years – Click Here to Register As of April 18 – Lego Camp Session 1: 12 registered (max 25) 1-4 PM | For children ages 7 – 12 years – Click Here to Register As of April 18 – Lego Camp Session 2: 16 registered (max 25) At Play-Well TEKnologies, we know that kids are already naturally gifted creators. What we strive to provide is an environment where students can create without fear of mistakes, explore fundamental STEM concepts through play, and express their creativity in ways they never...

VBS 2024

Camp Firelight | VBS 2024 A Summer Camp Adventure with God June 10-13 2024 | 9 AM- 12 PM “Fast Pass” Sunday – Sunday, June 9th, 8 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.“Fast Pass” Sunday is a time you can come by the church to pick up your child’s VBS t-shirt, learn their crew assignment for the week, and ask questions before you arrive for the first day of VBS. Our “Fast Pass Sunday” event will be held in the lobby of building A, just across from the Open-Door Worship Center. If you ordered and have not paid for your campers $8 t-shirt, please plan on doing so this morning. We will accept cash or check (made out to FUMC Rockwall and “VBS t-shirt” in the memo). We need volunteers! Click here to volunteer Ages 4 yrs (by September 1, 2024) through completed 5th grade Free to attend Cost: $8 for T-shirts for kids and volunteers Snacks, Games, Science Experiments, Missions, Loving God and MORE!! We have...

Got Sneakers?

Creation Kids will be collecting Sneakers! What kind of shoes? They MUST BE SNEAKERS and in pairs. Sneakers ONLY – Old, retired, too small – we will take them all. Where do I drop them off? The collection box in the children’s hallway upstairs by the BIG room. Raise Money for what? The Children’s Ministry will be giving the proceeds to Shoes for Kids. This is an ongoing mission! Did You Know? Most people throw away their used sneakers every 125-200 days without ever thinking about recycling. Since sneakers are manufactured with materials that are not biodegradable, they remain in landfills or are incinerated, which leads to toxic chemicals in our air and soil. The process of manufacturing sneakers produces large amounts of CO2 which contributes to the serious effects of climate change and global warming. Recycling and reusing sneakers keeps sneakers out of...

Confirmation Mission Day

Confirmation Mission Day Sunday, March 3, 2024 | 12-3 PM We will enjoy a pizza lunch at the church first and then make our way there. 12p: pizza lunch in the Commons1p: arrive to One Man’s treasure3p: leave One Man’s treasure, making our way back to the church. Sign Up Today! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmergency Contact Name...