Confirmation for incoming 6th graders
Confirmation 2024-25
Join in the Promotion Sunday fun! Big Room 9:30-10:30AM
SAVE THE DATE: Confirmation Service, April 27, 2025 | 9:30 AM | Sanctuary
Faith Exploration and Bible discovery, small group discussions, games, and devotional
Dates: Sunday Mornings
Location: Building B, Room 217B
Times: 9:30-10:30 AM
Classes will be held during the Sunday school hour
Confirmation is a program designed especially for 6th graders as they grow in their faith and begin to claim their Christian beliefs and heritage for themselves. Confirmation includes extensive teaching about the bible, Christian heritage, and United Methodism. Through small group discussion, confirmands begin to truly grapple with the issues of faith. Confirmation begins in August and concludes with a special worship service in the spring.
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Parent Volunteers Needed | Click Here to Sign Up
For more information or questions contact Allison Hicks,