Where is my child’s class?
9:30 AM
Building B Downstairs
The Nest
Birth-1 year | Nest | Room 111
The Woodlands
Ages 2-3 | Raccoons | Room 128
Ages 3-4 | Bears | Room 132
Ages 4-5 | Moose | Room 133
The Treehouse | Building B Upstairs
All children begin Sunday school in The BIG Room (218)
Kindergarten – 1st Grade | Room 214
2nd-3rd Grade | Room 216
4th, 5th Grade | Room 215
6th Grade | Confirmation | Room 217
Sunday Childcare – 8:30 & 11 AM
Sunday childcare is available for all services for children, Birth – 5 years old in Building B
Birth – 2 years | Room 111
Ages 3 -5 years | Room 132
All children must be checked in and out by a parent/guardian before/during and after the service.
Children’s Electronic Check- In
All Children must be checked-in and out by a parent or guardian.
All Children infants – 6th grade must be checked-in using our electronic check-in in Building B. As you enter Building B, our new check-in station is located in the alcove to the right of the entrance. A staff member will be there to assist you and get your child checked in.
Labels with the child’s name, class, emergency contact information, and allergies will be generated.
A second label will be printed with your child’s unique security code on it. Please keep this label with you, as you will be asked to present it when you pick up your child. If you lose your label, please see Allison Hicks to check your child out.
As always, children are welcome in all of our worship services
Creation Kids Worship Bags are available for children in worship. Each bag contains resources to help them fully participate in worship.
We believe that children’s participation in worship is important to their spiritual formation. When children worship with adults, they are empowered to develop a sense of belonging to a faith community. The gift of a church where children are engaged in worship encourages each of us to examine how we engage in worship, our faith, and one another. Children remind us there is not a right way, or one way, to worship and challenge us to be open to the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit. Children remind us that God is present in the messy-ness of our lives, giving us opportunity to reexamine the meaning of sacred and holy.