Sunday, April 27, 2025 | 3:30-6 PM
Packing food to benefit children and families in Puerto Lempira, Honduras
For Volunteers:
Moderate to heavy lifting required
• Unloading of KAH truck
• Identify and gather tables from upstairs Building A
• Set-up Packing Stations (table)
Light lifting required
• Set-up PPE (aprons, gloves, hairnets)
• Set-up Children’s Area
• Set-up Snack Area
• Set-up Check In
During Event
Minimal light lifting required
• Packing Station Managers/Captains (2/4)
– Monitor tables, provide training, alert the need for re-supply, manager transition of packers
• Packing Station Re-supply Mules (2)
• Staff:
– Check In Table
– PPE Table
– Snack Table
– Children’s Area
Heavy lifting required
• Team to load completed boxes into KAH truck (2/4)
Post -Event
Moderate to heavy lifting required
• Tear-down of KAH equipment and repack
• Load KAH truck
• Clean and set-up Worship Center
• Return tables to SS classrooms
• Return electrical cords to Youth
Help feed a hungry child today.
We provide fully nutritious food to impoverished children and families around the world…and around the corner.
Who We Are
The organization’s approach to achieving its goal – the eradication of world hunger – includes the packaging of a highly nutritious, vitamin-fortified soy-rice casserole by volunteers at numerous locations within the USA and Canada; and the distribution of those meals to starving children and their families in 70 countries through partnerships with humanitarian organizations worldwide.
What We Do
Fulfilling Kids Against Hunger’s mission requires a vast food packaging capacity to meet an endless demand for food. Kids Against Hunger believes that the best way to engage the largest number of people is through a decentralized, locally-based network of food packaging satellites that are active in their community. This model engages and empowers people to realize they can make a difference in solving the worldwide problem of starvation and establishes relationships with organizations such as Kiwanis, Rotary, and many faith-based groups of widely varying denominations. This growth strategy also allows the organization to continuously expand its food packaging capacity and volunteer involvement.
Since its launch, Kids Against Hunger has provided millions of meals for children and their families in dozens of countries through the efforts of hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Freedom Foods seeks to continue adding to that total with its mission of feeding families around the world and around the corner.
Why We Do It
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 821 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from undernourishment in 2017.
Every 6 seconds a child dies (nearly 16,000 every day) because of hunger and related causes.
15.3 million children under 18 in the United States live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life.