
Prayer Ministry

The Prayer Ministry works to establish a focus on the power of prayer in the congregation. The ministry organizes and oversees the prayer life of the church through intercessory prayer groups, prayer chains, special prayer occasions and the lifting up of special prayer concerns. This group meets for an Hour of Mercy prayer time each Thursday morning at 9 AM in the prayer room on the first floor in the north hallway in the Building B.

Prayer requests may be made by calling the church office, with forms passed with the attendance book during worship services, or by writing the request and depositing it in the box located on the prayer table in the gathering hall in Building A. Your privacy will be respected.

The Prayer Ministry considers it a sacred honor to be intercessors for those who request prayer through our church.  If you would like to have a verbal or silent participation in this ministry, you are invited to join us.

Contact church office at 972-771-5500 or email Rev. Christina Hildebrand (childebrand@fumcrockwall.com)

Please click here to fill out a prayer request