
Welcome Ministry

Welcome Ministry

The Welcome Teams are the first contact guests and members have with First UMC Rockwall each Sunday morning. The Greeters, Welcome Center Ambassadors, and Ushers. Volunteers are all a part of Welcoming Ministries at First UMC Rockwall. Volunteers can choose to serve as often as it fits their schedule – once a month to once a year.

Team Leaders

Team Coordinator – Laine Duke, laineduke@yahoo.com

Greeters –

Volunteers serve our church by providing a warm welcome and a friendly smile to members and guests before worship on Sundays and on other special occasions. Contact Kathi Whitt, whittkathi@yahoo.com to volunteer.

Ushers –

To volunteer for either the 8:30 or 9:30 Traditional service please contact Tony Hayes, 4yranch@gmail.com To volunteer for the 11am Traditional service please contact Amy Edgar, amyedgar53@gmail.com To volunteer for the Open Door service please contact Donella Spillman, dspill94@yahoo.com

Welcome Center Ambassadors Traditional Services:

Volunteers in this ministry serve before and after worship services in the lobby of the sanctuary. They do whatever is required to help our guests feel more at home by answering questions or finding someone who can. Contact Laine Duke, laineduke@yahoo.com to volunteer.

Interested in volunteering? Contact Shirley Womack, swomack@fumcrockwall.com

Also you can contact the Church Office: 972-771-5500 or Laine Duke, laineduke@yahoo.com