Faithful Friends Ministry
This ministry provides a caring, helping community among the shut-ins in our church. Personal contact as an agent of God’s love and care will be given to those confined at home through phone calls, cards, and a monthly visit.
Church Endowment
This committee designs and promotes an all-inclusive program of ensuring that members have valid wills and may make a gift to the church which “keeps on giving” long after they have ceased to be present.
Gift of Life Stewardship
This is a ministry to inform the entire church and make opportunities available to respond to blood drives, emphasize organ and tissue donation opportunities, and take CPR training.
Our Historical Committee collects and preserves the magnificent history of this congregation. They maintain and preserve the written and oral records as an act of stewardship for future congregations.
Nursing Home Ministry
This ministry provides bi-monthly devotionals in a group setting as well as one-on-one visitations in the nursing care facilities in our area.
One Man’s Treasure Clothes Closet
Cleaning our your husband’s closet? Any time of the year you can donate those clothes (pants, shirts, shorts, ties, shoes) to One Man’s Treasure so that men recently released from prison can receive a set of clothes for job interviews. Contact our church email,, with any questions… or call 972-771-5500
Rockwall Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity uses monetary donations, donations of construction materials and volunteer labor to build houses for qualified low-income Rockwall residents. Nineteen houses have been built since the Rockwall chapter was established in 1994. FUMC conducts 2X4 Sunday in September to raise money to support this important mission activity. Volunteers are needed for the volunteer board, managing and supervising the construction process and helping construct the houses. Contact Ed Schwaneke for more information, or you can send a monetary contribution directly to Rockwall Habitat for Humanity at P.O. Box 4 Rockwall , TX 75087.
Kids Against Hunger
Kids Against Hunger is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization packaging and distributing food in the U.S. and world-wide where hunger and starvation are rampant. Kids Against Hunger Packing Events give volunteers an opportunity to join the fight against hunger and to contribute in feeding the world. For more information, email Michele Branvold, or Judy Holder,
Shoes for Kids
Shoes for Kids is a growing First UMC, Rockwall sponsored mission that puts new school shoes and socks on nearly 1,500 underprivileged children in the Rockwall and Royse City Independent School Districts. This mission is also supported by donations from other area churches, service organizations and individuals. It culminates each August with volunteers fitting children with shoes. To donate or to volunteer, contact our church email,, with any questions., or call the church office 972-771-5500.
Society of St. Stephen
The Society of St. Stephen helps those in need in Rockwall County in the name of our church and our Lord. Many come our way with needs: rent and utilities, help with various kinds of paperwork, a listening ear. Because of the generosity of this congregation, needs are met, and lives are changed. This group of committed lay persons seek to please God by helping others in a very real way. For information about joining this ministry or donating funds toward its work, contact church office at 972-771-5500.
Methodist Children’s Home Christmas Party
This Christmas party for church members is a lot of fun-and a way to collect presents for the Methodist Children’s Home in Waco. Founded in 1890, the Home began as an orphanage and has developed into a comprehensive program of care. The Home serves 500 children daily through residential care, a Boys Ranch, foster care and a college program. To participate, contact our church email,, with any questions, or call the church office 972-771-5500.
Wesley-Rankin Community Center
Each year a gift drive gathers Christmas gifts for families who live near the Wesley-Rankin Center in West Dallas. In addition to purchasing gifts, volunteers are needed at the Center to serve as “Personal Shoppers” for families and “Gift Wrappers.” Another way to help: Wesley-Rankin supporters will visit FUMC Rockwall in December to take orders (and provide samples) of their delicious tamales. For more information on the community center, please visit their web site at
Wilkinson Center
Located in East Dallas at Munger Place, the Wilkinson Center’s services are designed to work cooperatively with people in need who desire to create a better life, so they may realize their God-given potential and sustain themselves with dignity. Since 1982, the Center has provided Christian community outreach and now offers a food pantry, after-school program, career development classes, and computer education. FUMC Rockwall supports The Wilkinson Center by preparing and distributing baskets containing the basics for Thanksgiving dinner. To participate, contact Emilee King or Rachel Purcell. For more information on the Wilkinson Center, please visit their web site at
Youth Ministry Missions
First UMC’s Youth Group goes on a mission trip during Spring Break. We have visited Mexico, Appalachia, Joplin and other areas, helping build homes for local residents. We are involved in mission initiatives during the summer, including Camp Discovery, Project Transformation, volunteering with Wesley-Rankin Community Center and Vacation Bible School. For more information, contact: Abbey Weaver at the church office at 972.771.5500 or