The Trinity Project: Above and Beyond

Financial Update
Capital Campaign
413 Households Pledged $3,705,885
Total Received
Total of pledges remaining
Total Project Cost:
Building, Parking, Utilities
Remaining gap to be raised $1,150,000
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why so much?
Cost escalations, pandemic supply chain issues, inflation- all at once!
The directive was given, “Finish the project.” Value engineering and close cost monitoring yielded great savings.
Why current interim debt?
An interim construction loan was authorized to complete construction. A follow-up “gap” campaign was approved following construction.
What is needed?
A concentrated period, Nov. 1, 2023-Oct. 31, 2024, of sacrificial giving to lessen and eliminate the interim debt on this project.
How do we respond?
Pray earnestly about how God wants you to give sacrificially to this initiative above and beyond your regular ministry giving and then boldly and fruitfully respond. God doesn’t call us to an equal share, God does call us to an equal sacrifice. Only God can lead you into what would be a sacrificial gift for you.

The Trinity Project: Becoming One is complete! The new connection center, parking, hallways, drop-offs, and courtyard have made an impact in how we engage in community with one another and how our ministries are enhanced. It’s hard to imagine our previous days without it!
The opportunity is upon us to fulfill our church’s vision for no new permanent, long-term debt associated with this project. The First United Methodist Church of Rockwall is, always has been, and always will be an “Above and Beyond” church – rising to meet every challenge. I encourage us all to prayerfully reflect and respond to the question, “Lord, what do you want to do through me?” Let’s go “Above and Beyond” together! I’m honored and humbled to be your pastor and friend.

MESSAGE FROM THE CO-CHAIRS | Kirk and Palmer Ragsdale, Joy and Tom Hosey
The Trinity Project: Becoming One is complete! The new connection center, parking, hallways, drop-offs, and courtyard have made an impact in how we engage in community with one another and how our ministries are enhanced. It’s hard to imagine our previous days without it!
The opportunity is upon us to fulfill our church’s vision for no new permanent, long-term debt associated with this project. The First United Methodist Church of Rockwall is, always has been, and always will be an “Above and Beyond” church – rising to meet every challenge. I encourage us all to prayerfully reflect and respond to the question, “Lord, what do you want to do through me?” Let’s go “Above and Beyond” together! I’m honored and humbled to be your pastor and friend.